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Construction Updates

Thank You

Issue 16, aimed at constructing our long-awaited new high school and transportation/maintenance facility, has successfully passed! This achievement is a significant step forward in providing an enhanced educational experience for our students and furthering our commitment to their future.

The approval of Issue 16 means that we can now move forward with the construction of our new high school. This state-of-the-art facility will not only provide a safe and modern learning environment but also offer our students access to cutting-edge resources and technologies, allowing them to thrive academically and prepare for their future endeavors.

Construction Updates:

- At the December 18, 2023 Board of Education Regular Meeting, ThenDesign Architecture (TDA) was approved as the firm for the project. 

-It will take several months, but the next step is securing a construction manager to oversee the project.

-To bring our vision to life, we need input from our staff and the community. As plans are finalized, we will share information about sessions where you can learn more about the construction process and share your ideas.